Once a week: One Cap/One Tablespoon of Non-Chlorinated Shock
Every two weeks: scrub the cover and shell down completely with a soft bristle brush. Run the Jets for about 5 minutes and catch all that refuse in the filter. Test the water and add spa up/ph up or down as needed. Add a cap full of scent if desired. Toss two tabs of chlorine in the filter housing or your floater, if needed, and you are good to go!
One tab of Chlorine will last about one week, so it’s nice to use two so it lasts about two weeks. Adding more than two tabs every two weeks is not recommended. If you see Chlorine in your floater, you have plenty in the tub.
Clean the filter when necessary. It will be brown and dirty after a while. I usually clean it every 4 to 6 weeks with a garden hose handle. If it’s really nasty, I take it to the car wash and rinse it on high pressure.
Change your water every 90 days. After a few months you will have a tub full of liquid chemicals and it will never be right when testing it. Water doesn’t stay water forever & it will be slightly green and/or cloudy when it needs changing. When refilling your tub, ALWAYS FILL THROUGH THE FILTER AREA, this avoids a potential air lock that can
cause many problems with your tub.
Your tub is equipped with a water purification system known as an ozonator. An ozonator adds fresh ozone to your water & helps keep the bacteria and algae to a minimum without having to swim in a chemical bath. They only last a couple years, keep that in mind, because when they go out, the tub water will be green and smell like feet. I can send/install a new one when needed. They come with a one-year warranty.